Alt Text Explained

Alt Text Explained


What is Alt Text?

Alt text, short for alternative text, is a descriptive text added to an image’s HTML code that provides a textual alternative for visually impaired users or when the image fails to load. It describes the appearance or function of an image on a web page, ensuring that all users can understand the content and context of the image.

How It Works

Function and Concept

Alt text is implemented through the alt attribute in an image’s HTML code, such as <img src="image-file-example.jpg" alt="Alt text goes here">. This text is read aloud by screen readers for users with visual impairments, allowing them to understand the content and purpose of the image.

Alt text is displayed in place of an image if the image file cannot load, enhancing user experience by providing a description of the missing content. Search engine bots use alt text to understand the content and context of images, which helps in indexing and ranking images in image search results.

Practical Use Cases


Alt text is crucial for web accessibility, enabling visually impaired users to navigate and understand web content using screen readers and other assistive technologies.


Alt text provides search engines with valuable information about the content and context of images, which can improve image search rankings and overall page visibility.

User Experience

It ensures that users can still understand the content of a webpage even if images fail to load, improving the overall user experience.

Why It Matters

Importance in SEO

Image Search Rankings

Alt text is a ranking factor for image search, helping images rank higher in Google Images and other image search results.

General Organic Search

While not a direct ranking factor for general organic search, alt text contributes to the overall understanding of page content by search engines, which can indirectly influence page rankings.

User Accessibility

It is essential for ensuring web content is accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities, which can positively impact brand reputation, traffic, and conversion rates.

Impact on Website Performance

Traffic and Engagement

Proper use of alt text can drive valuable traffic from image searches and improve user engagement by providing a better understanding of image content.

User Experience and Accessibility

It enhances the user experience by ensuring that all users can access and understand the information presented on a webpage, even if they cannot view the images.

Best Practices

Writing Effective Alt Text

Be Descriptive and Concise

Write alt text that briefly but thoroughly describes the image. There is no specific character limit, but it should be relevant and useful.

Include Target Keywords

If possible, include target keywords in the alt text to help with SEO, but ensure it remains descriptive and natural.

Avoid Decorative Images

Do not write alt text for purely decorative images; instead, use a null (empty) alt attribute to avoid distracting users with visual impairments.

Tools and Strategies

Content Management Systems (CMS)

Most CMSs have dedicated fields for alt text, making it easier to add without editing HTML code directly.

SEO Tools

Tools like Semrush’s SEO Writing Assistant can remind you to add image alt text and provide suggestions for readability and SEO.

Related Terms

Internal Linking Structure

Image SEO

Optimizing images for search engines, including best practices for image file names, titles, and schema markup.

Web Accessibility

Ensuring web content is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, through the use of alt text, captions, and other accessibility features.

On-Page Optimization

Optimizing various elements of a webpage, including title tags, H1 tags, and content, to improve search engine rankings.

Screen Readers and Assistive Technologies

Tools used by visually impaired users to navigate and understand web content.


Alt text is an essential component of web accessibility, providing a vital function for visually impaired users while simultaneously benefiting SEO efforts. By correctly implementing alt text, webmasters can ensure that their content is accessible and that their images are indexed and ranked appropriately by search engines. This contributes to a better user experience overall, making web content more inclusive and potentially improving traffic from both image and organic searches. Following best practices for writing effective alt text, and utilizing tools and strategies to assist in its implementation, can further enhance a website’s performance and accessibility.

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