Impression Share Explained

Impression Share Explained


What is Impression Share?

Impression share is a metric that measures the percentage of impressions your ads receive compared to the total number of impressions they were eligible to receive. This metric is calculated by dividing the number of impressions your ad actually received by the total number of impressions it could have received, based on factors such as targeting settings, approval status, and quality score.

How It Works

Function and Concept:


Impression share is calculated using the formula: Impressions / Total Eligible Impressions. This formula helps determine the percentage of potential impressions that your ads are capturing.

Eligible Impressions:

Eligible impressions are estimated based on various factors including targeting settings, approval status, and quality score. These factors determine the maximum number of impressions your ad could potentially receive.

Types of Impression Share:
  • Search Impression Share: Measures impression share on search networks, including Google search results, Maps, Shopping, and partner websites.
  • Display Impression Share: Measures impression share on the Display Network, which includes ads shown on third-party websites.
  • Absolute Top Impression Share: Measures the percentage of your advertisements shown in the top position on search results pages.
  • Search Lost IS (Rank) and Search Lost IS (Budget): These metrics show the percentage of impression share lost due to poor ad ranking or budget constraints, respectively.

Relevance in SEO and Practical Use Cases:

Campaign Analysis:

Impression share data is available at the keyword, ad group, and campaign levels, allowing for detailed analysis and optimization of ad campaigns.

Competitive Landscape:

It helps gauge the competitive landscape and your ad’s positioning relative to other ads in the same category.

Identifying Deficiencies:

By analyzing impression share and related metrics like IS Lost To Rank or IS Lost To Budget, you can identify why your impression share is not higher and formulate strategies to improve it.

Why It Matters

Importance in SEO:

Ad Performance:

Impression share provides a clear representation of how well your ad is performing and helps identify shortcomings that need to be addressed.

Budget Optimization:

It highlights the impact of budget constraints on ad visibility, allowing for better budget allocation and optimization.

Quality Score Improvement:

By analyzing impression share, you can understand the impact of your Quality Score on ad performance and make necessary improvements to ad copy, landing pages, and keyword targeting.

User Experience and Conversions:

Higher impression share, especially in top positions, can lead to higher conversion rates as ads are more visible to potential customers.

Best Practices

Recommended Methods and Strategies:

1. Adjust Your Budget:

Ensure your daily budget is sufficient to capture the maximum eligible impressions. Low budgets can significantly reduce your impression share.

2. Improve Your Quality Score:

Focus on improving your Quality Score by enhancing keyword targeting, bid amounts, ad copy, and landing page experience. A higher Quality Score can improve ad ranking and impression share.

3. Optimize Ad Positioning:

Use metrics like Top of Page Rate and Absolute Top Impression Share to optimize for top positions on search results pages, which often have higher conversion rates.

4. Use Target Impression Share:

Utilize the Target Impression Share feature to set automated bids that help your ad reach the top of the search engine results page (SERP), increasing its visibility and impression share.

5. Analyze Granular Metrics:

Break down impression share data using more granular metrics like IS Lost To Rank and IS Lost To Budget to understand the specific reasons for any shortfall in impression share and formulate targeted improvements.

6. Monitor and Adjust:

Regularly monitor your impression share metrics and adjust your strategies based on the data. This could involve tweaking bids, refining keyword lists, or improving ad relevance.

By following these best practices, you can effectively optimize your ad campaigns to maximize impression share and improve overall ad performance.

Related Terms


Impression share is a crucial metric in digital advertising, providing insights into how well your ads are performing and helping to identify areas for improvement. By understanding and optimizing impression share, advertisers can enhance their ad visibility, improve conversions, and gain a competitive edge. Implementing best practices, such as adjusting budget, improving Quality Score, and optimizing ad positioning, can significantly boost your impression share, ensuring that your ads reach their maximum potential audience.

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